I was born in the Unites States but spent my formative years in Papua New Guinea. I studied French and then married a Mexican man. I loved mathematics, so I got a BA in English Literature and will graduate next year as a massage therapist. As Walt Whitman said, "Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."
I've loved and lost and failed and won. All those difficult twists and turns, the grief, the chronic pain, the scarring led me to a profession where my life experience informs the level of work I can offer my clients. Empathy is the beginning of love. And that can only come with being present and listening before I even begin to speak or massage or parent or connect. My goal, over the next year of learning, is to really learn to listen to the information my body provides about what I encounter in the world. That means listening with my ears, my eyes, my hands and my heart. It also means trusting what I hear and being responsible with how I respond.
Join me on my journey of learning by booking time as a massage volunteer, giving me critical and clear feedback and/or reading my blog, Work in Progress.